What is flag football?

Flag football is non contact version of American football.


Flag football doesn’t include rough contact such as blocking or tackling. Players have flag belt that has flags both sides of the hips. Pulling off the flag from opposite team players belt replaces tackling tackling.


Tampere Saints has flag football for kids in different ages and for ladies.

The Tampere Saints women’s flag football team, informally known as the Tammer Hammer, is mainly made up of players from the american football team and retired players.


Everyone is welcome, regardless of sporting background or experience!


The team’s theme is to play casual but serious.


#tammerhammer #roadtola



Janna Hakala


Upcoming practice for the women’s team:


January to March:

Wednesdays at 21:00-22:30


Ladies team practises in Pyynikki and  Koivistonkylä footballfields at spring and summer. Winter season practices are held in Pirkkahalli,


New players are welcome in all practices. Feel free to contact via email lippupallo@tamperesaints.fi or trough social media in Instagramin or Facebookin.