Tampere Saints roster sekä QB kesälle 2023
Sarjakriteerien mukaisesti Tampere Saints julkaisee lokakuun loppuun alustavan rosterin kesälle 2023.
Tällä hetkellä lista on mukavat 39 pelaajaa, joista suurin osa on edellisillä kausilla Saintsia edustaneita pelaajia. Paluumuuttajia taukovuodelta on useampi, kun kausi on pidempi kuin 2022.
Varmoja menetyksiä kauden 2022 rosterista on vain yksi, mutta sitäkin isompi. Saints toivottaa onnea ja menestystä Oskari “Mesimäyrä” Toijalalle tuleviin haasteisiin.
Uusia tulijoita on toistaiseksi DB Riku Haukka Kuopio Steelersistä, sekä listan toistaiseksi ainoa rookie Gabriel Muhiya, jota voi hyvin kuvailla sanalla “urheilija”. Lisäksi nuorisoa on ollut mukana syksyllä miesten mukana hyvin, joten Rajalaksojen lisäksi muutama muukin Saints junnu saattaa näyttää kesällä osaamistaan divarissa. Iso asia on myös Dajon Newellin nimi rosterissa, kun suomistatuksen saava Dajon laittaa jälleen kypärän päähän ja auttaa joukkuetta sivurajan lisäksi kentällä.
Päävalmentaja Hannes Mattila haluaa palata kausien 2020 ja 2021 suorituksiin:
Ensi kauteen kohdistuu kovia odotuksia, hyökkäyksen pitää pystyä palaamaan 21 ja 20 kauden tasolle. Joukkue otti viime kauden heikoimman suorituksen vakavissaan ja se näkyy jo hyvin pyörivissä syksyn harjoituksissa. Joukkueen kokoonpano on jo hyvällä mallilla.
Ensi kesänä Pyynikillä nähdään enemmän pelaajia sinisissä!
Airaksinen Matti
Angervo Juho
Aro Nuutti
Hammar Toni
Haukka Riku
Helenius Jami
Hytönen Terho
Hämäläinen Severi
Illikainen Henri
Illikainen Lauri
Jukko Roope
Järvenpää Eetu
Kanerva Turo
Kurenniemi Antti
Kuusisto Jaakko
Lehtola Ilari
Matikainen Konsta
Minkkinen Ilkka
Muhiya Gabriel
Newell Dajon
Nieminen Eemeli
Ojala Erkki
Pietikäinen Ville
Pyrhönen Joni
Rajalakso Niklas
Rajalakso Topias
Ravander Jarmo
Reponen Lauri
Robbins Jessie
Ruoste Vilho
Räty Topias
Siiro Ilmari
Sulin Janne
Tavasti Eerik
Toiminen Henri
Tuhkanen Jere
Uotila Raafael
Virtanen Jari-Matti
Ylä-Rotiala Marko
Jessie Robbins, QB for Tampere Saints 2023
As you can see from the roster, there is also the 1st import as Jessie Robbins QB agreed on a contract. Jessie played against Tampere in the 2021 season for the Pori Bears and made an impression on our coaching staff. For summer 2022 Jessie was unavailable but now he will join the Tampere Saints offense as a quick QB who can make all the throws to young Saints WR core.
Jessie comments on his contract:
I’m really excited about coming back to Finland but this time in a different uniform and in a different city. The Tampere Saints wasted no time getting in contact with me after their season and that spoke volumes to me because that meant they were really interested in me and my talent. I’ve visited the city twice in previous years and got a chance to actually hang out with the guys from the team, they immediately treated me like I already was a part of the team.
At that point in time, I knew this was a place I needed to be and I’m glad that’s finally a reality. I’m excited to get there and start working to improve the team while building chemistry between the guy so that every game day we can go out and dominate. I know it will be a bitter sweet moment when we go up against my old team and teammates of the Pori Bears but I also know it won’t be a easy fight. I’m excited to be here and ready to get to work. Saints Nation
OC Dajon Newell comments on Jessie:
Jessie is a true game changing dual threat qb. It’s difficult for defenses to make him one dimensional since he is big, fast, runs well, and very comfortable in the pocket. He has the composure to take what the defense gives him and not force himself or the offense into difficult situations. He is pass first and scrambles well when appropriate. He is athletic enough to make the first defender miss so having a qb spy may slow him some, but definitely does not stop him from being effective. He has a big arm, but prefers to pick defenses apart with a shorter passing game and take strategic long shots. He is a great fit for a run first option offense with deep threat receiver potential.
I expect him to be the player he’s always been. Strong, confident, composed, and focused on winning however he best helps a team; running or passing. He is quieter vocally, but speaks volume with his play and leads by example.
HC Hannes comments on Jessie on offence:
I am very happy for Jessie’s decision to come to Tampere as our QB for summer 2023. Jessie is a great QB and I expect to see big results from him on the field. We played against him twice in 2021 and after the season we spoke with Dajon that we need to recruit him to us.
Jessie will arrive in Tampere February as a club resource; to coach men, ladies and juniors in practices and handle Tampere Saints school visits and recruits during winter. More information for schools on the project “Wintercoach” is coming later.
Welcome Jessie, go Saints!
Kuva: Pori Bears
Teksti: Marcus Lönnqvist